This is Dr. Murali Subramanian, Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore. Welcome back to my podcast channel “cancer care”
In today’s podcast, I am going to discuss about “The Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Preventive Oncology”
In preventive oncology, Medical Oncologist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian emphasizes the importance of nutrition and exercise. Studies have demonstrated that maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise can significantly lower the risk of developing specific types of cancer and enhance outcomes for individuals who have already been diagnosed with cancer. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help maintain a healthy weight, which is essential in reducing the risk of cancer. Regular exercise can also help reduce the risk of cancer by improving overall health and reducing inflammation in the body. By working with experienced oncologists in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian, individuals can receive personalized guidance and support to help reduce their risk of cancer and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
So, keep listening to this podcast episode till the end.
To book an appointment for Cancer Treatment in Bangalore contact us on +91-9880522891
This is Dr. Murali Subramanian, Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore. Welcome back to my podcast channel “cancer care”
In today’s podcast, I am going to discuss about “How lifestyle choice can impact your cancer risk”
Making healthy lifestyle choices is an essential aspect of cancer prevention. As emphasized by Cancer Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian, an individual’s lifestyle choices can significantly influence their risk of developing cancer. By making healthy choices such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, protecting your skin from the sun, and managing stress, individuals can reduce their risk of cancer and stay ahead of it. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help maintain a healthy weight, which is crucial in reducing the risk of cancer.
By working with experienced Medical oncologists like Dr. Murali Subramanian, individuals can receive personalized guidance and support to help reduce their risk of cancer and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
So, keep listening to this podcast episode till the end.
To book an appointment for Cancer Treatment in Bangalore contact us on +91-9880522891
This is Dr. Murali Subramanian, Best Prevention Oncologist in Bangalore. Welcome back to my podcast channel “cancer care”
In today’s podcast, I am going to discuss about “Preventing cancer- The power of early detection”
Early detection is a critical factor in preventing cancer, as it leads to more successful treatment outcomes. Best Prevention Oncologist in Bangalore, Dr. Murali Subramanian, emphasizes the importance of early detection in preventing cancer. Detecting cancer at an early stage makes it easier to treat and may require less aggressive treatments like surgery or radiation therapy. In some cases, it can even result in a complete cure.
Medical Oncologist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian recommends that individuals who have a higher risk of developing cancer, such as those with a family history of cancer or certain genetic mutations, should be particularly vigilant about early detection. Regular screenings and genetic testing may be recommended at an earlier age and more frequently than for the general population to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment. By working with experienced Medical oncologists like Dr. Murali Subramanian, patients can receive personalized care and attention to help reduce their risk of cancer and ensure the best possible outcomes.
So, keep listening to this podcast episode till the end.
To book an appointment for Cancer Treatment in Bangalore contact us on +91-9880522891
This is Dr. Murali Subramanian, Best Prevention Oncologist in Bangalore. Welcome back to my podcast channel “cancer care”
In today’s podcast, I am going to discuss about “Preventive Oncology: Latest Research and Recommendations”
Preventive oncology is a medical field that aims to prevent cancer by identifying and minimizing risk factors. It emphasizes the significance of early detection and risk reduction through various approaches such as lifestyle changes, genetic testing, screening, vaccination, chemoprevention, environmental modifications, and psychological interventions. By implementing these strategies, we can work towards reducing the global incidence of cancer.
If you’re looking for the best medical oncologists or Prevention Oncologist in Bangalore, Dr. Murali Subramanian is an excellent choice. He specialize in cancer prevention and comprehensive cancer care, including risk assessment, early detection, personalized cancer prevention strategies, and survivorship care and support.
So, keep listening to this podcast episode till the end.
To book an appointment for Cancer Treatment in Bangalore contact us on +91-9880522891
Cancer is not just a six-letter word, but a complex and nuanced disease that requires a comprehensive approach to diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care.
In today’s podcast, Dr. Murali Subramanian – Best Medical Oncologist in Kalyan Nagar is going to discuss about “Head and Neck Cancer“
Head and neck cancer refers to a group of cancers that arise in the tissues of the head and neck region, which includes the throat, larynx, nose, sinuses, mouth, salivary glands, and the lymph nodes in the neck.
Yes, you heard it right “forgotten cancer” , that is Sarcoma. Read on to gather valuable insights on what is Sarcoma, and how it affects the common and the elderly population?
About Sarcoma
Sarcoma is a type of cancer that is rare, and made up of soft tissue. There are various subtypes, as they emerge from different tissue structures like muscles, nerves, bone, blood, fat, joints, or blood vessels that are the connective tissues in the body. Besides, Sarcoma can also crop up in the bones. Primarily, as these tissues are found everywhere in the body, Sarcoma can be found in any place.
Most commonly, Sarcoma is a cancer found in the arms and legs where most of the connective tissues are present. The disease starts very deep in the body that is not identified until a lump is noticed, and cancer may be difficult to treat at this stage. There are two categories of sarcoma – soft tissue and bone sarcoma. In all probability, Sarcoma reasonably affects children and young adults more than the aged population. Bone and joint cancer are found more in teenagers whereas, soft tissue cancer attacks fifty-five years and above.
All about Sarcoma Cancer | Best Cancer Specialist in Kalyan Nagar- Dr. Murali Subramanian
Specifically, Sarcoma can be grouped as,
Soft tissue sarcoma – they form in cartilage, muscles, fat, nerves, tendons, vessels, and joint muscles.
Ewing sarcoma – they form in bone and soft tissue.
Osteosarcomas – mostly develop in bone, and liposarcomas form in fat.
Rhabdomyosarcomas – develop in muscle.
Potential Reasons
The root cause and the development of sarcomas are unknown. After much evaluation, researchers have come up with some hints that may have a role in affecting sarcomas. While the core reason is unknown, there are some known risk factors.
In some cases, phenoxy acetic acid found in herbicides or chlorophenols increases the risk. Angiosarcoma, a rare blood vessel cancer is found to develop due to exposure to vinyl chloride. High exposure to radiation is also a cause of sarcoma in some populations.
Some inherited diseases are also associated with an increase in soft tissue sarcoma.
Von Recklinghausen’s disease (neurofibromatosis) – is associated with the NF1 gene
Li-Fraumeni syndrome – associated with alterations in the p53 gene
Research shows alterations in genetic conditions have contributed to the development of sarcomas. It can also affect future generations and may be a random event in the family cancer history.
At substantial times, lumps and bumps found are benign. But, people must be proactive enough to have a consultation to rule out any sarcoma scare. As sarcoma is hard to detect from other types of cancer, they effect the organs where their evidence is underestimated.
A reliable source to determine a malignant, benign, or tumor can be done by a surgical biopsy, where all soft tissues and bone lumps found are taken for biopsy. The procedure involves a special needle used to make an incision and remove a small portion of tumor tissue which is studied under a microscope. If it is positive for cancer, the pathologist assesses the grade and the type of cancer.
Though low-grade sarcomas are cancerous, they are unexpected to proliferate, high-grade sarcomas have a great chance to spread to other parts of the body. The survival rate for five years can be estimated as fifty percent for soft tissue sarcoma, whereas sixty-six percent for bone sarcomas.
The treatment for sarcoma depends on the cancer stage, based on the grade of tumor and size, and whether cancer has advanced to the other parts of the body. The main treatment options include,
Surgery – It is the most common treatment where there is a removal of cancer and a safe margin of healthy tissue surrounding it. Most of the tumor is extracted by surgery, but radiation or chemotherapy is given before surgery to shrink the tumor or after surgery to eliminate leftover cancer cells.
Radiation – It involves high-dose x-rays that are used before surgery to shrink the tumor or post-surgery to do away with the remaining cancer cells.
Chemotherapy – Here, anticancer drugs are used along with radiation therapy either before or after surgery. If cancer cells have already made their way to other parts of the body, chemotherapy is done to shrink tumors and reduce the discomfort and pain caused, but doubtful on the disease elimination.
Chemotherapy has been found effective in preventing its spread where the treatment is done intravenously. Doctors and researchers are continually working to identify new, effective treatments and better ways to utilize the current procedure
July is Sarcoma Awareness Month | Best Cancer Specialist in Kalyan Nagar | Dr. Murali Subramanian
Encouraging Awareness for Sarcoma Spread
As Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer, people are still uninformed about the disease unless it has been affected personally. This July, make an attempt to share a message through social media or discuss the underlying conditions with family and friends.
To spread awareness on social media, a tag using #curesarcoma #sarcomaawarenessmonth
Donate in honor of “Sarcoma Awareness Month”
Be a part of the Race to Cure Sarcoma held in the US, made up of a family-oriented 5k walk/run.
Get in touch with and related social media channels.
The Sarcoma Awareness Month attempts to underline the extensive challenges faced by those affected by Sarcoma, and renders the necessity for a deeper sarcoma research, therapies, and treatment.
In today’s podcast, Dr. Murali Subramanian – Best Oncologist in Kalyan Nagar is going to discuss about “Prostate Cancer “
Prostate is a small gland and is responsible for the production of the semen. It is located below the bladder. There are several nerves and blood vessels that help in erectile function. They get affected by prostate cancer.
FAQ on lung cancer - Best Lung Cancer Doctor in Bangalore
Best Lung Cancer Doctor in Bangalore | Dr Murali Subramanian
Cancer has become the evilest word for this world. In the last few years, the rate of lung cancer is on a rapid hike. Repeated attacks of cough and cold, mild chest pain are very common but these might be symptoms of lung cancer also.
1. What are the risk factors of lung cancer?
We all know both first-hand and second-hand smoking and the use of tobacco is the most identified risk. Apart from this, you should be aware of
Family history.
Exposure rate to a cancer-causing agent like air pollution, arsenic, and radioactive elements (such as radon).
Some of the dietary supplements like beta carotene.
2. What are the most common symptoms?
Cough staying for a long time and getting worse with time is the foremost symptom of lung cancer. However as the cancer cell approach the advance stage you might experience continuous chest pain, breathing problem, blood with cough, repeated attack of pneumonia or bronchitis, swelling of neck and face, and weight and appetite loss.
3. Do lung tumors always indicate cancer?
Non-cancerous lung tumors also exist but unfortunately, they are very rare. Moreover, before surgery, it’s quite hard to identify if the tumor is cancerous or not. So, in most of the case, we treat the non-cancerous tumors in the same way as of the cancerous one.
4. Do large doses of antioxidants prevent lung cancer?
Nowadays, before consulting a doctor, most of us keep searching the internet if we experience any unusual health symptoms. There has been a myth those antioxidants like vitamin E lowers the risk of lung cancer.
However, the fact is a bit different. At present, no medically proven concept indicates the lowering of lung cancer risk with the help of vitamin E, rather ongoing studies reveal that few antioxidants, like vitamin-A, beta-carotene foster the risk, mainly in the case of smokers.
5. Do death is the destiny of lungs cancer patients?
In, 2020, the answer is ‘no.’ The treatments like, radiation therapy, immune therapy, surgery targeted therapy, and chemotherapy are now too advanced. These can now completely cure cancer in some cases. For the rest of the cases, patients can live significantly longer with this disease.
6. Does a negative chest X-ray confirm that I don’t have lung cancer?
Unfortunately ‘no’. The tumors might appear as just shows behind the ribs, which is hard to detect.
7. How many types of lung cancer are there?
Two main types are there.
Non-small cell
Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common one. The growth and spread of this type of cancer are much slower than those of the other type. Non-small cell has three subtypes.
The first one is adenocarcinoma. In most cases, women and non-smokers get attacked by this. There remain no symptoms at the earlier stage and spread at the slowest rate.
The second one is squamous cell carcinoma. This type is very common in smokers and starts showing the signs at an earlier stage.
The third one is ‘large-cell carcinoma.’ This type is rarely identified and shows the fastest growth. It spread to distant body parts.
8. Can lung cancer be prevented?
Sorry, but the answer is ‘no.’ Yet, you can lower the risks by avoiding the mentioned risk factor. Early detection always offers a better chance to fully recover but as discussed, in the most common type of lung cancer, there remain almost no signs.
Best Esophageal Cancer doctor in Bangalore-Causes and Prevention of Esophageal Cancer
In today’s article, I will be talking about some of the frequently asked questions about breast cancer.
As the rate of breast cancer is increasing rapidly so, people are getting afraid nowadays. To identify or detect the onset of this disease everyone asked lots of questions to us. I will try my best to answers all of those questions in this episode.
Breast Cancer | Best Breast Cancer Doctors in Bangalore
What is breast cancer?
It’s the cancerous tumor formed within your breast tissues or ducts.
What causes breast cancer?
Till now there is no clear idea about the causes of breast cancer. Medical science has only identified risk factors. Those include:
Hormonal changes
Growing age
Having a baby after the age of 30.
Use of oral contraceptives for a longer time.
History of chest radiation therapy.
Long-term combined hormone therapy.
Excessive alcohol consumption.
Hormonal changes after menopause.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of Breast Cancer | Best Breast Cancer Doctors in Bangalore
Formation of a new lump is the most common symptom. But it might happen that the lump does not form in the earlier stage because sometimes the cancerous cell remains tender or soft. So you have to be aware of the other symptoms too.
Swelling of the entire or a part of the breast, excessive nipple discharge other than breast milk, redness or scaliness of nipples, breast pain, irritation of breast skin, and swelling of lymph nodes might be your sign of breast cancer.
When should I go for breast cancer screening?
You should not wait for screening until you face any of the above symptoms. Because sometimes the symptoms become visible only at the advanced stage. So it’s recommended that once you cross the age of 40, start annual screening.
How to lower the risk of breast cancer?
Risk of Breast Cancer | Best Breast Cancer Doctors in Bangalore
Here you should keep one thing in mind; nothing can eliminate the risk of breast cancer. The preventions I am going to tell can only lower the risks.
Try to avoid alcohol consumption as much as possible.
Do regular physical exercises.
Breastfeed at least up to 12 months’ age of your baby.
Try maintaining healthy body weight.
You can discuss hormone replacement therapy with your doctor.
I feel a movable lump in my breast, is it breast cancer?
It’s not always true that movable lumps might not be cancerous. Whatever the type of your lump is, immediately visit your doctor and get the all prescribed screening done.
What kinds of treatment options are available?
Presently two options are there.
Radiation therapy
In surgery, depending on the specific situation several sub-options are available. The doctor might remove your entire breast or might remove a part of breast tissue or the tumors. But no need to worry, you can go with oncoplastic or breast reconstruction surgery to rebuild your breast shape.
In radiation therapy, you have to bear a high-energy radiation wave that destroys your cancerous tumor.
Apart from these two options, depending on your cancer type your doctor might provide you with Chemotherapy or hormonal therapy options. In the first one anti-cancer drug are delivered to your body for killing the cancerous cell. In the second hormone therapy, the drug used prevents the growth of cancer cells.
However, there is another latest therapy that is targeted therapy about which I have already discussed in detail in one of my earlier sessions.
Treatment for Breast Cancer | Best Breast Cancer Doctors in Bangalore
What are the possible side-effects of these treatments?
Whatever treatment you have to choose you can’t avoid sides-effects.
Surgery: Common side-effects include short-term pain and swelling, weakness and swelling of arms, or lymphedema.
Radiation therapy: Excessive skin irritation and breast pain. Some of the patients face this discomfort at the beginning of the treatment; however, in case of the good immunity power, these symptoms might be visible in the latter settings.
Chemotherapy: The most common side-effect of chemotherapy is vomiting, diarrhea, lowering of blood count, and even nerve damage.
Do breast cancer treatments affect my ability to conceive?
Unfortunately yes. Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy affect the functionality of your ovary. In the case of radiation therapy, the radiation kills some of the healthy tissues also that might make you temporary or permanently fertile.
Through this article, I have tried to cover the most frequently asked questions about breast cancer.
Also, check out other blogs related to breast cancer: