The head and neck cancer have several different types based on the affected organs and the location. The treatments vary based on location.
If people wish to reduce the risk of head and neck cancer, they need to make changes in lifestyles, such as avoiding tobacco and alcohol use. There are many lifestyle choices that can increase the risk of head and neck cancer.
Head and neck cancers can include oral cancer, larynx, throat cancer, and tumors in the esophagus and mouth. But when we say cancers of the head and neck, they do not include skin cancer in these regions.
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The doctor will be able to determine the stage of the tumor using some of the above. The treatment type depends on the extent of the spread.
Surgery: Surgery is the most common treatment for most head and neck cancers. Due to modern medical advancement, surgeons can easily extract tumors without causing damage to nearby tissues. Bone reconstruction can now be performed immediately after surgery.
Minimally Invasive Procedures: Sometimes, when the tumor is less dangerous, image-guided procedures are often used to remove tumors. One of the minimally invasive procedure is done for cancer occurring in larynx and thyroid and is known as endoscopic laser surgery. Cancerous tumors arising in the tongue or tonsils can be removed with a procedure that involves robotics arms placed in the mouth.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy can be administered to patients for whom surgery is not an option or can be delivered along with other procedures.ChemotherapyChemotherapy is used very commonly to eliminate aggressive tumors that cannot be reached surgically. Chemotherapy has been seen to enhance the efficacy of radiation and patient outcomes. Patients to whom chemotherapy was given along with other treatments, showed a remarkable improvement.