Lung Cancer

Cancerous cells may occur in the bronchi or in the lungs. Bronchi are the air tubes that lead to the lungs from the wind pipe. Usually patients suffering from lung cancers are found to be chain smokers.Lung cancers can be classified into two types

1. Small cell lung cancer occur in the regions surrounding the air tubes that lead to the lungs.
2. Non-small lung cancer occur in lungs lining and is more common

Lung Cancer

Usually the patient suffers from one or more of the following symptoms

• Chest pain
• Severe Coughing associated with blood and mucus
• Shortness of breath
• Severe Fatigue
• Unexplained Appetite loss

When the doctor conducts an X-ray, he/she can see an abnormal spot. Again the above mentioned symptoms do not conform the presence of any disease but it is recommended that people with these symptoms must consult a doctor

  • Biopsy: Once the X-ray is done, the doctor advises a biopsy that involves removing a tissue sample to study cancer. If the doctor cannot access the tissue then surgery is required.
  • Molecular Testing: Molecular testing is advised for patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Oncologists can examine the stage of lung cancer that helps them to develop a better and effective treatment plan.
  • Surgery: Surgery is done to eliminate the entire affected organ and tissue growth. The onco surgeon removes the portion of the lung with the tumour and the surrounding lymph nodes. Surgery to treat lung cancer can be categorized to
    • Sublobar Surgery: If due to certain reasons, the patient cannot undergo an advanced procedure, then this procedure is suggested. It involves the removal of only the affected part of the lung
    • Lobectomy: Patients with non-small lung cancers are suggested this procedure. If the entire lobe is removed,it is referred to as lobectomy and if only two lobes are removed, it is called bilobectomy.
    • Pneumonectomy: If the oncologist spots the cancerous tumor in the middle of the lung, he cannot perform the above mentioned procedures and has to remove the complete lung. This is a very uncommon method of treatment.
  • Thoracoscopy: Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery or robotic VATS are found to be effective ways of treating lung cancer. These are minimally invasive techniques and yield good results.

  • Chemotherapy: This is useful in case of non-small cell lung cancer. Chemotherapy is sometimes combined with other treatments to increase success rates.

  • Immunotherapy: Cancer treatment also involves developing drugs which can help the body’s immune system to fight it on its own.

  • Radiation Therapy: If a surgeon finds that surgery is not possible then they recommend radiation therapy. Sometimes the tumours are unaccessible.

  • Interventional Radiology: A minimally invasive procedure called percutaneous ablation is performed for patients with non small cell lung cancer. A needle is inserted into the tumour utilizing CT image guides a needle and the tumour is destroyed.

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