Skin Cancer

There are three main types

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Melanoma
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Skin cancers are found to arise in skin parts more exposed to the sun.

Skin Cancer
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma: The first signs of basal cell carcinoma are abnormal growth on the skin. They can be a smooth growth, which may be shiny with a dent in it. Patients may have a discolored flat spot on the skin, or a sore that is bleeding
  • Melanoma: Melanomas can occur in the skin or eyes. Symptoms of melanoma are unusual moles or marks on the skin. Eye melanoma is suspected when your eyes change in appearance. Eye melanoma is very rare.
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An area of the skin that may get thick, scaly, rough or like warts. A sore that does not heal or a sore crusty surface.

All the three types of skin cancer have a similar diagnostic test.

  • Assessment of Medical history: the doctor will ask you a set of questions about your lifestyle and family history of skin issues
  • Physical examination of skin
  • X-rays
  • Diagnostic imaging tests
  • Biopsy

Skin cancers can be treated with surgery or chemotherapy. Doctors choose the treatment plan after a lot of consideration and planning.

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma: Surgery is usually the mode of treatment.
  • Melanoma: Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapies, and immunotherapy are used to treat melanoma. Brachytherapy is used for treating eye melanoma. If doctors find that cancer has spread, chemotherapy may be given.
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Surgery is advised for the removal of squamous cell carcinoma. If tumors are not accessible, radiation therapy is given.  Electronic Skin Surface Brachytherapy (ESSB) is administered if tumor is not too deep.

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